
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Condo Board Director!

My 12th step in taking over the world is complete. I've been elected as a director of my Condominium board!

Unfortunely the position that was available was SECRETARY (rather than Treasurer or President). I was aiming for Prez, but would have settled on Treasurer.. Either of those positions better suit my experience and lifestyle...

I refuse to take minutes!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've been interested in geocaching for several years, and I finally bought a GPS (as a toy) for my new-to-me car. So I loaded up all the geocaches in and around London and set out to find some of them. I've only visited about 14 of them, finding only 9.. In my defense, many of these jaunts were in the waning light of day, or dark.