
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Vicki went to pre-trial today and settled for 2 weeks severence pay from her previous employer London Bridge. I accompanied her in my best suit and signed as witness beside her name on the release that legitimized the settlement. I also found out that I work with the President of London Bridge, George Lyttle! (And I only thought he was a low-ranking board member)

Monday, May 05, 2003

It's Sunday night, (early Monday morning)... Almost time for bed..

Saw X-Men 2 on the weekend, I thought it was pretty good, but was annoyed with a bunch of scenes, thought they could have made better use of the 2.5 hours they had, and some better use of 'powers' could have occured!

I started watching 24 at Sean's, and now I've got to watch the whole damn thing! Grrrrrr! They sure know how to make you antsy to see the next episode.