
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Deflating balls for shipment abroad

Erin and I tried to go to a ball deflate-a-thon, that her father's marvelous 8 ball deflator was present at. The deflator was a hit, but Erin and I only made it there in time to get a picture taken with all the rest of the people, making us look like we really helped out. The balls were going on a ship to some far away place where they apparently don't have balls... (Update: It's Zambia in Africa (One of the poorest nations in the world)) Well I hope they have an inflator over there!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Pearl Jam

Went to the London Pearl Jam concert last night, it was pretty good. I had a fair amount to drink along with most of the rest of us. We had several blocks of 4 seats dotted all over the John Labatt Centre.

Here's some pictures (here)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Screw you coffee

Looks like coffee has finally won me over.
I've always stayed away from coffee because I hated the taste and I didn't think it would make a WONDEROUS difference to my perkyness. Looks like I might be losing this battle. I had a coffee 6/7 days last week :(