
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Happy Anniversary Great Blackout of 2003!

I woke up today to the power going out, and it being a nice day outside. So I assumed that London Hydro was playing a 4.5 month late April fools joke on the 1 year anniversary of the great blackout. I called my favorite buffet (Harmony Grand Buffet) to ask about their power status, and it was on, so I went back to sleep in the livingroom because my computer UPS's were making a horrendous racket in my room.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Oh no! London is thinking about installing Red Light Cameras now that cities have been given the go-ahead. I'm going to have to get all my red-light running out of my system before then :(

Monday, August 09, 2004

Back to work... KEMF 9 was this past weekend, it was a hoot as usual. (Sean's Report).

Updated Wed Aug 11 2004
I named 3 things at KEMF. Percy a caterpiller that Bryan found, I named my black vinyl jacket "Leather Jacket" and my lawn chair "My Chair". It was a day of names! Although I really have to change my chairs name, I don't know what I was thinking!
While on the subject, my next computer will be named Joshua (pronounced Joe-shoe-ah).
I like names!