
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Costume Parties Galore

It's that time of year, to dress up like when you were a child.. I attended The Haunt - Seven Deadly Sins Costume ball at the Delta Armouries on Friday (Pictures). It was in support of The Grand Theatre, which I'm all for... It was a fairly good time, although it was somewhat more subdued than I thought it would be, being the most advertised of the costume balls in London. Saturday I had another costume party/house warming at a friend's new apartment in Toronto. I managed to make a bit of a fool out of myself due to several factors, one of which was missing supper.

Next weekend we have our group's costume party (80s themed), I'm going to work my current costume into that event, since I spent so much money on it.


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