
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A friend pointed this site out to me earlier today, it's a little addictive and gives you the potential of winning free (real) money (if you get over $10USD) while playing fun little games with other people. It's ad supported and you start with a penny, and the premise is to double that 30 times and get 10million USD by playing 3 different mini games with other people who are wagering the same amount of money. (Of course the chance of winning 30 times in a row from 0.01 to over 10mil is infinitesimal. My front page says You are just 10 wins away from $2,621, hah! But only 1 lose away from $0.00! (It's in Beta and by invite only, I have 1 invite (which grants 3 more invites, ad infinitum) (


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