Why is summer so expensive?
Another weekend of celebration of the summer has passed, and I'm deeper and deeper in 'debt'. Luckily in my case, my debt is currently with one of my fictional corporations' divisions (AndrewBank), and I haven't had to go to outside credit sources. But the rate at which I'm racking up debt is alarming. At some point in the last year, I shifted my spending into overdrive and haven't returned from that.
Friday I took a stab at continuing my Roulette winning streak (I have won everytime I've played roulette in recent history). Well that broke this weekend, even with a $50 stipend from my mom (who was striking it rich at the slots when I dined with her on Friday) I managed to break even..
Saturday I went motor yachting out in Lake Huron, and then up and down the St. Clair river.. Always one of the highlights (if not THE highlight) of my Summer. My parents and I used to go boating in a little fishing boat when I was a kid. I've always liked boating, just not fishing. Oddly enough boats of this caliber don't currently require a special license to pilot.. We went to watch the 2007 Mackinac race.. Unfortunately the lake was a little rough and we headed back to the relative calm of the river after a short while.

(that's apple juice in my hand, right?)

Boats head to the start line
After this I had to rush back to London for a Stag and Doe of a work associate. I was the sole co-worker in attendance so I rushed to my next event, drinks and camaraderie downtown. Highlights of this evening were squeezing a man dressed up as a woman's plastic accoutrements. Running into one of my friends' cousin in a compromising situation (for others), amongst other things I can't seem to remember clearly. It was a long day, and I spent all day Sunday relaxing and snoozing.
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