
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Story of Stampy

This is the story of Stampy the elephant, an elephant that a great many people knew the name to. Stampy is gone now, but I hope the following account of Stampy's influence will live on into the ages.

Stampy was not just a wooden Africian Elephant, but a symbol.. A symbol of stability and permanence.. I tried my damnednest to keep Stampy from leaving my sphere of influence, but there were no takers, in the end. My mom offered to buy Stampy to save him from the humiliating defeat of being returned to the store. Also Sharon all but offered to pay full price for him, since she liked him so much. That was nixed by Byron, who apparently is the prudent spender of the duo...

In the end, his fate was sealed.. Pier 1 Imports has no return policy expiration, and therefore Stampy was just another corporate loan from that greedy AndrewBank. AndrewBank purchased Stampy, billed Pier One in a newly created account, and put the poor thing on display for all to see....

If only Stampy knew of this deceit, he may not have opted to stay around.. If only he wasn't made of wood . . .

Bye Stampy!


  • At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're a cruel, cruel person. You used Stampy! He was so good you should have paid for him!

  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    RIP Stampy. You left a great memory for all of us. Hopefully you've went on to a better place.


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