Went to Jen & Nick's "Engagement Party" last night, drank a bit too much Gin & Diet Sprites.. I could barely taste the alchohol. My horrendous hangover today confirmed that it was indeed alchoholic! Friday went out to Mike's, played some Hold'em, then to the good old Derby in Strathroy to see Ashley #6. They were also playing on Saturday at a fundraiser, which Mark was involved with. I didn't have time to go then (and it was for Junior Baseball to boot!)
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- Haven't done much this week, short of playing Eve....
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- I've been playing Eve Online (a space MMORPG) aft...
- There was a poker game on the weekend at Matt Lips...
- Happy Anniversary Great Blackout of 2003!
- Oh no! London is thinking about installing Red Lig...
- Back to work... KEMF 9 was this past weekend, it w...
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