Stanley Cup!
A milestone has occurred such that im writing this entry from my cell. I touched lord stanleys cup! in stratford with mark.

That's what I wrote from Molly Bloom's as a cell phone text email. Mark and I had gone to Stratford to see a performance of the Stone Angels (formerly Martin & Michaels, formerly Journey by 2) Anj & Gloria's band duo. Anj's father came in shortly after we arrived and was excitedly talking about the Stanley cup being across the street at Falstaff's Bar & Restaurant, so we abandoned our drinks and chairs and rushed across the street before it was gone to grope it. Tim Taylor had the cup for his 40 hours and was apparently up to visit his hometown/parents in Stratford. Reportedly he was approaching the end of his 40 hour stint and was drunk and finding it hard to stay awake. The keeper of the cup was there too I think. (Might have been this MIKE BOLT guy) --APM (Updated entry @ 2:15am Saturday Morn)
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