
Andrew Moffit's Public Weblog.

Monday, February 28, 2005

This weekend was a busy one for me.

Friday was the 5th annual Battle of the Bay Street Bands, a charity event where banking industry professionals moonlight as rock band participants. Last year I got terribly drunk due to the number of complementary drinks bought by fund reps and brokers. This year I was ok, as I only had one drink bought for me -- so my frugality kicked in to save me from spending too much on booze/getting too drunk.

I ran into a few former Strathroyans there (Tyler Beaton, and 2 others). All of whom work in my old office tower at 140 Fullarton St/Talbot Centre.

Saturday was a farewell party for Dave Walters, who moves to Toronto this Friday, and a birthday celebration for Scott Robertson/Greg Smith, all wrapped into one. It started at the Palasad, where they had a hell of a time figuring out who ordered what, since there was so many of us, and ended at Adam/Trish's place, my old apartment.

Vicki paid for someone's wings that the Palasad said wasn't paid for, but turns out was. So she had to go in the next day to get a credit.. Never believe anything the Palasad tries to tell you, even if it's a sob story about how it'll be coming out of so-and-so's paycheque.

The end of RSP season has finally arrived, I didn't have to stay late much at all.. Haha Mike McKeen!!! :)


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